Origin: Triquetra Prophecy Book Three (Gods Among Us 3)
by Melody Grace HicksPublish: Jun 16, 2025 Series: Gods Among UsParanormal RomanceLGBTFantasy
Book Overview
The nail-biting conclusion to the Triquetra Prophecy Trilogy!
When Loki's consort marries his rival to save their son from a curse, a prophecy leads to consequences even the God of Chaos couldn't predict.
The Unseelie Goddess of War’s revenge against Loki puts Asgard’s Black Prince in a no-win scenario. Bad enough that damn Atlantean prince saved Shannon when Loki couldn’t, but now Loki has to watch as she marries Elatha so Loki’s son won’t die on his first birthday. Neither outcome will leave their relationship intact. It’s tearing him to shreds to choose between losing his soulmate or his son.
While some of Shannon’s Elven relatives have no issue killing her son, others aren’t so blasé about the curse. Yet it’s the prophecy at Shannon’s birth that brought her and Elatha together in this arranged marriage. When betrayal strikes, it may be the key to saving not just her son, but Loki’s redemption as well. The prophecy hints at the chance to right a mistake that has haunted him, but it’s going to require more soul-searching than Loki is comfortable with.
Wait until he finds out he’ll have to get along with that Norns-cursed Atlantean to achieve their goals.
If you enjoy romantasy—that wonderful blend of fantasy and romance—mythology, soulmates, enemies-to-lovers, love triangles with reverse harem or why choose, and sword and sorcery quests with a feisty female heroine, don’t miss this explosive final book in the Triquetra Prophecy Trilogy within the Gods Among Us universe.
BIOGRAPHY Melody Grace Hicks writes spicy science fantasy romance. She’d apologize for the increase in your lingerie replacement budget, but really, we both know it’s those darn wickedly sexy dominant cinnamon bun males that bring you back for more, right? Born and raised on Canada’s West Coast, Melody has travelled the world and brings this diversity into her fiction. An award-winning internationally published scientist and professor in her day job, she’s an enthusiastic masher of mythology in the evenings, using her pen name to tell tales of soulmates, secret identities, unknown origins, betrayals, magical powers, polyamory, and love triangles.