When Kri, a gentle alien captain, crash lands in Roswell, New Mexico, he finds himself the only survivor.
Injured and alone, he sets out on a trek through the desert to the mountain where rescue awaits. But he soon realizes that he’s made an enemy- the FBI, led by Agent Stryker, is set on capturing him for interrogati... on and study.
Supported by a friendly farm boy and a tribe of Native Americans, will Kri ever make it home?read more
BIOGRAPHY Oleg Shleyfer was born in Moldova, then raised in Ukraine. Since his early youth, he's been passionate about writing, and has developed a fascination with the paranormal: aliens, ghosts, the Bermuda Triangle. He now lives in Philadelphia with his family. Heaven Sent is his first novel. The release date for his second... book, The Fall of the Molfar, is April 3rd. 2025read more