Fallen Men
by Brian O'HarePublish: Sep 14, 2012Christian Fiction Book Overview
Uncompromising and incredibly powerful.
Fallen Men has been the recipient of two literary awards - Top Medallist Honours in the General Fiction category of the prestigious New Apple Awards for Excellence, and the IDB Amazon Award
Capturing the realities of the priesthood along with the raw emotional power of great drama, Fallen Men marks something of a step change from Brian O'Hare's thrillers but it's one that proves powerfully poignant. A hugely entertaining read from the start, when it comes to originality it doesn't get any better as O'Hare quickly gets to grip with his overarching theme. Avoiding the temptation to concoct prescriptive characters he shows us, without compromise, the depth of their conflict and the totality of their emotional angst in uncompromising prose and pin-sharp dialogue. It wouldn't be disingenuous to say there are times when O'Hare's novel is quite harrowing and incredibly sobering as he juggles the reverent and the taboo and in the hands of another author it might have been a mawkish read. But O'Hare never loses sight of his novel's overall vision. Clearly sitting in the Religious & Inspirational Fiction genre it also fits the classical definition of tragedy, as his characters have no option but to face, and find some degree of dignity as they come to terms with the reality of their feelings.
With a superb plot, Fallen Men is one of those novels that not only delivers a great read but will leave you deep in thought and it is recommended without reservation.
No doubt this book will get placed in Christian/ Religious fiction, but it offers much more to just a general reader. We all face dilemmas from time to time, and here those problems are faced by Catholic priests. What the author has done here is used two examples of what a priest may come up against. Thus ultimately one priest faces temptation, and another compassion. The story revolves around what happens in both cases, what others try to do, or not to do, and the consequences of all these actions and in-actions.
"Whether you are of a religious bent, or an atheist such as myself this book offers a lot to ponder upon and even discuss. Sensitive subjects are discussed in this novel but the author uses sensitiveness in dealing with these instead of sensationalism, giving a more real approach to the story." Amazon reviewer
"It gives an interesting view of the life of a Priest. It is clear the Author understands the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Author has dealt with the issue of abuse in a sensitive way." Amazon Reviewer
"The three Priests invoke the reader to feel a range of emotions -anger, sadness and at times disbelief that someone could be that naïve. It is a book that you will want to read in one sitting, I loved that it didn't end as you would expect, I enjoyed the twists." Amazon Reviewer
"Fallen Men is a deep, thought-provoking novel written about—and from—the heart. The story gripped my emotions, involving me in the characters’ issues." Amazon Reviewer
"Brian O’Hare’s novel was gripping from the first few pages and so well written, with balance and tactful insight, that I was able to retain my respect for another person’s religious beliefs while entering the curious world of Irish Catholicism." Amazon Reviewer