The bird that FLEW and the little KANGAROO: Things get tense near the fence. A fun Picture Book for Toddlers to 1st Grade (easy reading - short story) (Blue Fork Rhymes)
by Hendrik MaartenPublish: Mar 21, 2023Series: Blue Fork RhymesChildren's Book Overview
In this story: A ginger bird sits with its friend a bird of blue. They see trouble ahead for a little kangaroo. What will they do?
The bird that FLEW and the little KANGAROO (easy reading - short story) is the fifth book in our Blue Fork Rhymes illustrated children’s series. We hope your family will enjoy The bird that FLEW and the little KANGAROO. It’s a fun, shared, family read with basic language and word repetition, making it easy for the little ones to follow. Familiar words and simple stories are great for first time little readers.