BIOGRAPHY Catherine Mellen is an American poet, author and blogger. Born in 1969 Lowell Massachusetts. She wrote her first poem at age fourteen and quickly adapted her love for words. Shamed by the childhood she lived, she became a cook and caterer for nearly three decades. An auto accident at age forty... -five, left her disabled and a victim to horrifying repressed memories. In 2018 she started a blog where she shattered her silence on childhood trauma, family secrets and the monstrous predator her birth mother harbored.
Her poetry has been published in numerous poetry journals and she is the author of...
Christmas in Poetry Land: A delightful collection of holiday poetry.
Survivor's Mind: A window into the world of childhood trauma, family secrets and inside the mind of a survivor, poetically written.
A Childhood Tragedy Under A Mother's Watch/Part One 1975-1982 Lowell Massachusett and
A Life Given To Me/Part Two 1982-2019 Lowell Massachusetts. The horrifying true story of one girl's desperation to escape horrific inhumane abuse and her forty-four year journey from victim, to statistic, to survivor.
Understanding Childhood Trauma. An informative book to help society, laws, medical professionals and families better address children who are abused to live their lives as survivors and not the statistics we are raised to be.
Only Beautiful Remains: Words of a Poet. Poetry grew in her soul... With every breath, her words sliced beauty where only ugly once roamed.
Then You’ll Believe: A fascinating true story of friendship, faith and the unexplainable gift of clairvoyance.
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