Ask Jessica Willette a question

Jessica Willette

Jessica Willette

      • Jessica Willette Jessica Willette 5 years ago
      • I love this question because I have one sincere answer to it. Since I was a little girl whenever I've heard this question, I always replied with the way I looked. In the past few years though I've learned that I wouldn't change anything about myself. I'm learning to love myself completely. Honestly, I think that there are a ton of people in the world who would want to change things about themselves, but for what? Always be true to who you are!
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      • Jessica Willette Jessica Willette 5 years ago
      • The dream goal I want to achieve before I die is to start a nonprofit to help families that struggle with poverty. I feel that there's nothing more important in the world than to help others. Honestly, I love to write, and I know it's even more important than that.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Jessica Willette Jessica Willette 5 years ago
      • I think that it's incredible that concepts like Kindle and e-books give authors a chance to help get known by a more massive crowd of people. Just imagine sitting in your home in somewhere like Pennsylvania for example while someone in Ireland is reading the book you wrote. How is that not a beautiful thing?
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      • Jessica Willette Jessica Willette 5 years ago
      • I actually will be reading all of my book reviews. Another writer that I genuinely admire once had a conversation with me, and told me that some reviews I may find upsetting. Not every person in the world will love your work, but you learn from other's criticizing it on how to improve your writing. I always thought that was a great piece of advice.
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      • Jessica Willette Jessica Willette 5 years ago
      • If I could tell my younger writing self anything, it would be not to give up on writing no matter what. There are going to be some days that it might seem hard to write, but remember to pick back up tomorrow.
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