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P.E. YoungLibby

P.E. YoungLibby

Thriller Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Paranormal Romance Time Travel Romance Historical Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy Advice & How To
      • P.E. YoungLibby P.E. YoungLibby 6 years ago
      • When I was eleven years old, I realized that there were so many awesome things to do and be in the world, that the only way to get to them in one lifetime was to become a writer. As a writer, I could be anything and experience that life without being tied to it. I could save the world, get away with murder, become a pilot, a lion, an extraterrestrial, or even a historical figure. My gender didn't matter, nor did my physical limitations, or even my species. It was the most freeing and inspiring thought of my young life, and it has shaped my life ever since.
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