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Cheryl Wright

Cheryl Wright

Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Western Romance
      • Cheryl Wright Cheryl Wright 5 years ago
      • There are several writers who write in the same genre as me, and have a similar style. One that comes to mind is Margaret Tanner.

        Margaret and I have been real-life friends for around twenty years, and edit each other's work. We spend a lot of time thrashing out plots and other ideas too.

        Pam Crooks, Kathleen Ball, P Creeden, and Charlene Raddon are other authors who I feel their books resemble my mine. Honestly, I could go on, but I've already told you more than you asked.
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      • Cheryl Wright Cheryl Wright 5 years ago
      • The cover is the first thing a reader sees. It needs to be outstanding, not just good. Titles and blurbs are the same. I can spend an entire day - sometimes longer - getting the blurb right. Same with the title.

        All these things draw the reader in. If they don't do their job, the reader isn't willing to take a chance on my stories. And that's what it's all about, right?
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      • Cheryl Wright Cheryl Wright 5 years ago
      • I know loads of authors who won't or don't read reviews. I do. I use them to make my books better. Reviews often shine a light on things we as authors don't realize - one reviewer was upset because one of my books didn't have a wedding scene. She felt cheated, even though there was a proposal. All my books since then have had a wedding scene.

        Another review was upset something in the story wasn't tied up completely. (A nasty character wasn't punished as she thought he should have been.)

        From then on, I made sure all those little things were tied up properly.

        It's not often I get these sorts of comments, but when I do, I listen.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • What's the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
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      • Cheryl Wright Cheryl Wright 5 years ago
      • I would take writing seriously from a younger age. My first book was published when I was around 47. Given what I know now, I wouldn't wait until my children were grown to start my writing career. I'd do it straight away.
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      • Cheryl Wright Cheryl Wright 5 years ago
      • I was inspired (and encouraged) by a year six substitute teacher. He told me I had talent as a writer, and I needed to continue with it. At the age of eleven, I was appointed editor of my high school newspaper.
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