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Sandra J. Jackson

Sandra J. Jackson

Thriller Suspense New Adult Romance Paranormal Romance Science Fiction Teen & Young Adult
      • Sandra J. Jackson Sandra J. Jackson 6 years ago
      • I have had people say they have heard of me and my books and my first reaction is to think they must have me confused with someone else. It couldn't be me. I have alo had someone at a book signing tell me they bought my first book and loved it and then they went and bought another book of mine. I thought that was fun and truly appreciated it.
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      • Sandra J. Jackson Sandra J. Jackson 6 years ago
      • To me one of the most important elements of good writing is understanding grammar and learning technique. I have been writing for three years and I am still learning. If I don't know something, I look it up. Authors should also use an editor, and by this I don't mean a family member or friend but someone who knows about writing. It might be costly but it is well worth it.
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