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Analei Skye

Analei Skye

Contemporary Romance New Adult Romance Romance Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Teen & Young Adult Poetry
      • Analei Skye Analei Skye 5 years ago
      • Haha! Thiiiis question. This has never happened, unless it was my friend and I bribed them into buying my book. But if it DID happen I would feel humbled. : )
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      • Analei Skye Analei Skye 5 years ago
      • Completing the book. A lot of people focus on the success of their work — Bestseller, fame, wealth. For me, the most significant success is in following the inspiration to completion. Clearing the inner blocks to letting other people read my words, upgrading my skills, swallowing the sometimes [harsh] feedback, and using it to inspire me to do better. I think anyone who has a dream that they follow through on is a success, no matter the outward rewards or praise.

        * It's hard enough to keep people's interest for a 15-second Instagram story. Imagine holding their interest captive for 200 + pages?
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      • Analei Skye Analei Skye 5 years ago
      • Clear writing with heart. When people "try" to write-- substitute big words, hide from the truth of what they're feeling and instead put pretty things on the page, their writing is devoid of magic. I think when you can put on paper what you're feeling and NOT edit it, even if that is really scary. Incredible things happen. It leaves an imprint in people that is hard to quantify; your writing oozes a certain kind of magic.
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