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Margaret Desmond

Margaret Desmond

Contemporary Romance Romance Western Romance Women's Fiction
      • Margaret Desmond Margaret Desmond 5 years ago
      • Oh, yes. I wanted to be a writer since I was five years old and wrote/illustrated my own book on pink construction paper. Once, when I was around 11 or 12, the boy next door who delivered newspapers gave me a blank newspaper that had arrived in his stack. I spent many enjoyable days filling in the blank newspaper pages with stories and illustrations. I began writing "epic" romances around the age of 12, inspired by reading Gone with the Wind, the Jalna Series (Mazo de la Roche), as well as Louisa May Alcott and Maud Hart Lovelace (I loved Betsy and Joe's romance). I'm thrilled that the advent of digital publishing has allowed me to pursue my writing career full-time.
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