Oooh, that is such a great and complicated question. I will keep my answer simple. Nothing. Every good/bad event in my life has made me the exact person that I am today. Each thing has made me stronger, smarter, compassionate, wiser, and passionate. It has made me love life and understand the beauty (even in the crap) that makes life pretty amazing!
I would have to say the research that goes into it, keeping thing realistic, and keeping things fresh.
Yes, I write romance, but there are a lot of elements in any book.
As far as research, you have to know if a scene (love scene or in general), career, setting, and timeline of it all works. It has to feel realistic, fresh, and like something you haven't heard a million and one times. It also has to feel authentic to every day life because it is one of the most realistic genres that someone can read. (It is not every day we all come in contact with a dragon or super spy, but we do share a kiss and get butterflies.)
As far as keeping things fresh, it must have that romance structure that romance readers crave. What is a couple's dynamic? Is there romantic tension? Is he a playboy? Can readers forgive/trust/fall in love with characters, cheer them on, connect with them, or see themselves in them? All of those things can be challenging. It can really be tricky.
I find that good/bad reviews are really none of my business.
I write the book I want to read and I trust that readers will enjoy it too. And if I happen to read a review I limit it to reading it once. That way I won't obsess about it and I can digest what they said constructively (not getting too excited about the good ones or deflated by the less that glowing ones). I make a note of what is said and move on. That way (good/bad) I have heard it, but it does not stick, influence, lead, or haunt me.
But again, these days I do not read them if I can avoid them. That way, I can stay out of my head as I write during my creative process. That way, my writing stays fresh and focused on the purity and fun of creating!
Yes, I have (giggles). I think at some point if you are writing you will experience this.
1) Power Through (and if needed fix in edits).
2) If you can't power through, make a note and skip the part that you are stuck on. Return when you are fresh.
3) Step away and do another activity. That should give your mind the break that it needs.
4) Work from an outline. That way, if you get stuck you have a little nudge in the right direction.
I think for me this answer changes depending upon the day. Today, I am inspired to write because I have stories that I have to share. I cannot keep them inside. They are like a yummy recipe. You can enjoy food on your own, but it is so nice to do that with company aka readers!
As far as how long, I have been writing for as long as I can remember. I started making up stories with my toy my little ponies. It grew from there to creative writing in elementary school, high school, and college. I fall in love with writing every day and I have not stopped falling. (Smiles)
Yes, I have. Although it may not have been a direct quote of events there were definitely strokes of my life in the novels. Not only do I write events that have happened I mash up people that I meet as well. It makes the books feel more authentic to me and that translates to my readers as well. We've all met an Uncle Bob or someone close to that! We can all connect with that.
Write a book that you feel passionate about! If you begin to feel drained or stressed out I suggest that you write two others at the same time. Hop around between the three and you will always have something to be excited about as you write! Also, if you feel stressed make a note of that area (ex: fight scene here) and skip on to what you are excited about writing. Return to it when you feel fresh!