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Stephen Burckhardt

Stephen Burckhardt

Historical Fiction
      • Stephen Burckhardt Stephen Burckhardt 6 years ago
      • I read all of my reviews; I only wish there were more of them. The only thing that ever bothers me about a bad reviews is when someone complains about the length of the book or the fact that it has a cliffhanger ending. I clearly state on all my social media and in the descriptions on the sale sites, that these books are all part of a cliffhanger novella serial. I can handle if someone has issues with the writing or the characters, those are fair critiques, but to buy a book that's promoted as an instalment in a cliffhanger novella serial then give it a bad review sating that it is too short and ends in a cliffhanger; that is a extremely frustrating.
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      • Stephen Burckhardt Stephen Burckhardt 6 years ago
      • For me, the most difficult part is balancing teaching, family life, personal time, and writing. I do everything for my books from cover art to social media design, promotions, setting up pages like this; it takes a lot of time. (The only thing I do not do is the final edits. That I leave to my magnificent editor, Greg Wood.) Then try working that around teaching classes, running errands, spending time with my family, it can be exhausting. Usually the first thing that gets dropped from my schedule is going to the gym, then after that it's sleep that I tend to skip most often. I refuse to give up time to work on the books or time with my better-half so I have to work it out as best as I can without going too crazy.
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      • Stephen Burckhardt Stephen Burckhardt 6 years ago
      • For as long as I can remember, I have always created stories. I remember being in first or second grade and making up my own little plays and stories. At that time, my best friend was a boy named, Jared M. He and I created this imaginary family called the Dot family. I drew so many pictures and created so many adventures about that family. As I got older, my stories became more detailed and sophisticated. I just never stopped creating and I hope I never do.
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