I think that any good author will see there work grow and change over time. I know that my stories are far more complete and tied together now than they were at the beginning. My writing has expanded, become clearer, more detailed, and far cleaner with edits. I love learning and growing.
I don't tend to suffer from writer's block but sometimes I suffer from writer's slog or slow down. This is that part in the work where you have to pull elements together and lay out all the details and information. Sometimes writing this slow part of the story is like walking up hill, in winter, in a flood of molasses. For anyone suffering from writer's block I always say 'write five words, just five.' Usually this leads to many more.
Yes I do read my book reviews. I look at bad book reviews two ways either they are good constructive criticism that can only make me better or occasionally I accept the fact that not everyone is going to like my work. The majority of people are happy and that makes me happy.
I started writing in 2015 after I lost my oldest sister to cancer. She had been writing and trying to get her work published for years and finally found a publisher who picked up her book Buy a Cowboy. Unfortunately she passed away before the book released and this made me wonder what I had been waiting on. I published my first book warts and all.