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Bambi Harris

Bambi Harris

Historical Mystery Mystery Supernatural Suspense Historical Romance Paranormal Romance Time Travel Romance Historical Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
      • Bambi Harris Bambi Harris 5 years ago
      • Make your characters relatable. Tell a good story, keep drama, action, interest and questions set in motion. Most importantly keep the reader guessing, make them want to know what happens next, pose the questions through your story, make them want to know the answer.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Bambi Harris Bambi Harris 5 years ago
      • I haven't experienced writer's block yet, rather it is more of an issue where I get stuck on how I will proceed at certain times. I hit a road block where I don't feel there is enough drama or action or enough to propel the story forward. That is when I am halted in my step and have to sit back and reconsider where the story is headed.
        My advice for writer's block would be what I do when I can't move forward; work on something else book related; a cover, a title, an idea for something else, marketing, just keep the momentum.
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      • Bambi Harris Bambi Harris 5 years ago
      • Absolutely! Fortunately I haven't gotten any bad ones and yes I would feel it. I am grateful for every review I receive and for a reader's willingness to take the time to tell me how much they enjoyed my work. Reviews are a true gift. And I deal with the good ones with a smile on my face and a heart filled with gratitude :-)
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      • Bambi Harris Bambi Harris 5 years ago
      • I have been writing 12 years, this upcoming month (Nov 2019) will be the ten year anniversary of when I published my first book. I was not particularly inspired to write rather one day I just decided I would. It was a spontaneous under-thought whim and it just turned out that I was good at it! I wasn't a reader or anyone who dabbled in writing when I was younger. It was a gift that came knocking at my door in the guise of a flight of fancy and luckily enough I was paying attention.
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