What inspired me to start writing my book was my concern with the main problems we still have in our patriarchal society – violence, poverty, inequality and toxic relationships. Due to life experience, observation, being more intuitive and holistic in my thinking than the average person and having studied Astrology and Tarot, I believed Feminine Masculine Balance can contribute to resolving these problems.
It all started in 2004 when I was looking at a table of feminine and masculine energies/qualities and realised that what was wrong with our society was that we don’t value and respect the feminine equally to the masculine. I started developing a short course on Empowering the Feminine (in women and men). It didn’t get off the ground, life happened and ten years later I was having dinner with a friend who asked me if I was going to write a book. “I’m not a writerâ€, I said. “We are talking about information, not literature†she replied. This was a sudden insight and I thought that maybe I could. Not long after that I thought of adding the middle column of the table I devised (you can obtain a copy of the table by subscribing to www.femininemasculinebalance.com). This became the basis of the book and I set up a document in my computer labelled BOOK. Whenever I had an idea, I would type it up and add it to the document but I didn’t really start writing in earnest until September 2017, the title evolved during the process of writing it and the book was published in March 2019