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R.W. Buxton

R.W. Buxton

Paranormal Romance
      • R.W. Buxton R.W. Buxton 5 years ago
      • I definitely read my book reviews. For me the whole point of writing is to provide entertainment and escape for the reader. I want to see if I've achieved my goal. Reviews are a reality check to see if I'm doing that. Of course I love seeing good reviews and will often thank the writer. As far as bad reviews go I think there are two types. Some people will just write things like I hated this book it was awful. That's not helpful. The point of me reading the reviews is to understand both what people liked and didn't like. Bad reviews that say things like, I didn't like this book because the character did... can be useful. It provides me with insight into something I could maybe change in the future or a better understanding of how people are thinking about my work.

        I do have to remind myself not everyone likes the same thing so naturally my work isn't going to make everyone happy. I understand that and try to keep it in mind when reading bad reviews. Saying that doesn't mean bad reviews aren't upsetting. They just need to become a learning experience. Sometimes there is nothing you can do and moving on is the only solution.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • R.W. Buxton R.W. Buxton 5 years ago
      • There is no doubt writing can be draining and exhausting. As far as tips go, even when I don't feel like writing I still sit down and spend time writing or editing. It may turn out awful, but that's what rewrites are for and at least I have something on the page. The worst thing you can do is let it overwhelm you. When you really hit a roadblock, get up and take a walk. Just the act of doing something allows your mind to explore possibilities. When you get back often the answer you were looking for is right there.

        The biggest thing for me though was finding the time and place where I could relax and be comfortable. Early mornings work best for me. The main thing is to figure out when your most creative and set aside time then to do your writing. Maybe it's over your lunch hour or maybe before you go to bed. But for me it has to be relaxing. No phones ringing or interruptions from family.

        Another thing that removes a lot of stress is taking time to plot your work. Now some people will say you just have to write and let creativity be king. But even if you plot everything before you start you can still take a fork in the road that you hadn't planned for. But the huge advantage to plotting is when I get stuck on a particular scene, and I know where the story is going I can start working on a scene where I do have ideas. I'm not limited to writing sequentially. You will also find you don't write yourself into a corner and are then stuck for what happens next. This is one of the biggest sources of writers block.

        If you do take this approach and plot the novel in advance don't get caught up in the idea that you have to create an outline with ever single detail itemized and in order. I'm a huge fan of mind maps. You job down your ideas and link them together in a fashion that makes sense. I'm love mind maps because I can see all the elements of my story and the various relationships between them. Stories may be read sequentially but the ideas, them and plot may not come to you that way. Mind maps allow you to explore the relationships.
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      • R.W. Buxton R.W. Buxton 5 years ago
      • I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Mostly short stories and stuff to entertain friends and family. What inspires me to write is the desire to transport the reader to an imaginary world where anything is possible. The ability to allow others to escape even if it's just for a few hours. If I can do that I'm happy.
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