Ask Ruth Douthitt a question

Ruth Douthitt

Ruth Douthitt

Thriller Mystery Contemporary Romance Women's Fiction Fantasy Children's Religion & Spirituality
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 6 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Ruth Douthitt Ruth Douthitt 6 years ago
      • Oh my yes! A glass of wine is the best tip...LOL. But, seriously, writer's block is a serious obstacle to overcome. For me, watching a movie I love helps. I focus on the story and how the writer(s) moved the plot along. Also listening to my favorite movie music while I write always motivates me to at least finish a scene.
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      • Ruth Douthitt Ruth Douthitt 6 years ago
      • I've become a better writer! My editors have helped me develop my style. So, now my writing style is more my own. I know how to write "voice" for both adults and children. My style is very descriptive. I've had readers comment on that. Not that descriptive writing is unique to me, but I have worked hard to develop my own style of descriptive writing.
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      • Ruth Douthitt Ruth Douthitt 6 years ago
      • Voice! As a woman, I find it difficult to write in a man's voice. It requires listening. To hone this skill (of writing male characters), I sit and listen to how men talk to each other and to me.
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      • Ruth Douthitt Ruth Douthitt 6 years ago
      • In my opinion, the most important elements of good writing are well-round interesting characters that readers can relate to, and a plot that moves forward in an interesting way. People want to connect with the protagonist and cheer for her or even hope she changes her ways (if she starts out evil...). It's that connection that made the Harry Potter series so popular. Children and adults connected to poor battered Harry and hoped he would succeed. If a plot isn't moving readers along, they tend to set down the book. The plot must begin right away. Show us the main character's goal and start the adventure early on! To me, that's what makes good writing.
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      • Ruth Douthitt Ruth Douthitt 6 years ago
      • I love good story telling. My 4th grade teacher was the first one to notice I had talent. I was inspired to write my first book (The Dragon Forest) after reading books about and watching movies about King Arthur. That story about a young boy thrust into a position of power intrigued me. So, I set out to tell such a story. I started that book in 1989. So, I guess I've been writing since then!
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