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Brenda C Mohammed

Brenda C Mohammed

Crime Fiction Thriller Mystery Contemporary Romance Science Fiction Children's Poetry Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs Christian Nonfiction
      • Brenda C Mohammed Brenda C Mohammed 5 years ago
      • We all feel appreciated when someone recognizes our worth, and it is no different with writers. Readers and fans commend me every day and I have won several awards. It heartens me and encourages me to write more to please my readers, and that is why I have written twenty-four books in six years.
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      • Brenda C Mohammed Brenda C Mohammed 5 years ago
      • My father was a school principal and he had a huge library of books. In that library, he had a huge section for children's books, and I must have read every one.
        However, I had no desire to become a writer. English and Mathematics were my strong points and I wanted to work in a bank, which I did.
        I received several promotions and when I was transferred to the loans and overdraft department I helped my superiors write Financial proposals for customers to our Head Office.
        Many times we received clean sanctions, ie no questions were asked and the proposals were approved. My superiors at both the branch and Head office recognized my ability and promoted me to managerial status.
        I was then required to visit my customers' businesses and submit written proposals for required finance.
        Customers, staff, and Head Office all benefited, as the village where the branch to which I was assigned developed rapidly.
        The once insignificant village turned into a bustling town.
        The bank's profits increased and I was promoted to a bigger branch.
        I kept on getting more promotions until I took early retirement and moved into the Insurance field.
        However, I was struck by cancer and almost died.
        I sought medical treatment in Miami, and after being laid up for more than seven months, I miraculously recovered.
        I wrote the book, I AM CANCER FREE to tell people in similar positions that cancer does not have to be a death sentence.
        The book became a best seller and won two awards. I was then encouraged to continue writing and wrote twenty-four books to date.
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      • Brenda C Mohammed Brenda C Mohammed 5 years ago
      • Yes, I read all my book reviews. I thank the readers for the good ones and I must say that I appreciate the bad ones too, but I ignore them.
        The reason being, that other readers become curious as to why the book got a bad review and they buy it, read it, find otherwise, and give it a good review.
        A wise man once told me that there are no perfect writers and no perfect readers, and I certainly agree with him.
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      • Brenda C Mohammed Brenda C Mohammed 5 years ago
      • My dream goal is to have ZEEKA CHRONICLES made into a movie. Here is the Synopsis. Looking to read a mind-blowing, bold, and original 'other world' book to capture your imagination?
        ZEEKA CHRONICLES: REVENGE OF ZEEKA by Author Brenda Mohammed, a multi-award winning science-fiction novel inspired by the recent scare of the zika virus, set in the year 2036, where zombies and robots take centre stage, will blow your mind.
        It will take you on a futuristic journey into the year 2036.
        The highly imaginative tales within would keep you spellbound.
        Zeeka and The Zombies is the first story in the series which contains five spine-chilling tales set on an imaginary Caribbean island called Gosh in the year 2036. 'Zeeka and the Zombies' serves as an introduction to this mind-boggling series.
        Integrated into the mystery is a love story as well as a family drama. The combination of these three aspects in this collection makes it an exciting read. Persons who enjoy detective novels, romance fiction, or science fiction will love this book.
        The main character in Zeeka and the Zombies is Raynor Sharpe, a gynecologist who works at a hospital on the island. He, together with the hospital's director and another doctor, Mark, were working at the hospital twenty years before when an outbreak of the zika virus occurred.
        The hospital delivered fifty-one stillborn babies from pregnant women who were infected with the virus during their pregnancy. However, it turned out that the babies were not buried but were, in fact, taken by someone evil, injected with a serum to bring them to life, and turned into programmable zombies, with the exception of nine which were flesh-eating ones.
        The secret is revealed when one of the zombies, Number Nine, appeared at the hospital, having been sent by the vengeful and evil Master Zeeka, to survey the scene so that he could attack the hospital in the future. But was he a real zombie?
        In the meantime, Raynor's love interest, Janet, also a doctor at the same hospital, told Raynor that she is engaged and plans to marry another doctor.
        She sent out invitations to all her colleagues, including Raynor. Raynor was always secretly in love with Janet but had never proposed to her although he had bought an engagement ring intending to do so. The plot thickens when the wedding invitation reveals that Janet's fiancé is Dr. Jason Stephens, who the police suspect of being Master Zeeka.
        Jason calls off the engagement with Janet and disappears. Raynor finally proposes to Janet and she gladly accepts.
        The police cannot find Master Zeeka, but Raynor and his new bride enjoy a magnificent honeymoon.
        The story continues in Zeeka's Child. The search for Master Zeeka intensifies. It turns out that the main suspect, Jason Stephens, is actually innocent.
        The real culprit is revealed and is a person who had kidnapped Jason when he was a child.
        Jason is Raynor’s older brother, Dr. Steven Sharpe who returns and reunites with his brother. Steven is the real hero in the series.
        Steven marries Mandy, Janet’s older sister.
        The police force launches a massive hunt for the real killer.
        In the third installment ‘Zeeka Returns,’ the police hunt down the real killer and the nine flesh-eating zombies that accompany him in the jungle. These scenes are full of suspense and tension as we wonder whether the police officers would capture Master Zeeka or whether the zombies will destroy them.
        It turns out, however, that he is eventually captured, not by the police, but by Miranda, a beautiful female robot who had been employed by Raynor and Janet.
        Zeeka commits suicide while in custody.
        Just when you thought the story was over Zeeka returns in Zeeka's Ghost: Revenge of Zeeka 4.
        Zeeka is back but not how you expect.
        Unresolved issues, regrets, love, and a ghost, with the right mix of startling plot twists, makes this story a thrilling read.
        Who would want to kidnap Mandy, and why?
        Can Steven save her from the clutches of the kidnappers in time?
        A questionable character returns from one of the previous books in ‘Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka 5.’ He causes, even more disarray in the lives of Steven and Mandy.
        Dr. Steven Sharpe's reputation is on the line when he attempts an unimaginable cure to help a man desperate for a new life.
        One more burning question is answered in this episode. The identity of Number Nine is revealed.
        This story closes Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka series on a high note.
        The many twists and turns in this series make it exciting, thrilling and suspenseful.

        Winner of four International awards, here is the latest Review by an Australian Reviewer:
        “A reviewer said: "An entertaining read filled with suspense. A science-fiction story with lingering themes on human flaws and goodness.
        As a teacher/student this would make a great comparative study to Frankenstein or Shakespeare's plays, with love, lies, and revenge as persistent human traits. Set in 2036 the unnerving accuracy of being in an era where we encounter robots as part of our daily lives takes the reader on a journey through time where human values, some negative and some are imperative to the improvement of the human condition.
        If you're not a zombie fan, this book will draw you --destined to shock and delight."
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      • Brenda C Mohammed Brenda C Mohammed 5 years ago
      • My dream goal is to have my science fiction novel ZEEKA CHRONICLES made into a movie. I wrote all about that in my blog post at this link.
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      • Brenda C Mohammed Brenda C Mohammed 5 years ago
      • my dream goal is to have ZEEKA CHRONICLES made into a movie or a TV Series.

        ZEEKA CHRONICLES: REVENGE OF ZEEKA by Author Brenda Mohammed, a multi-award winning science-fiction novel inspired by the recent scare of the zika virus, set in the year 2036, where zombies and robots take centre stage, will blow your mind.
        It is a mind-blowing, bold, and original 'other world' book to capture your imagination.
        You will be taken on a futuristic journey into the year 2036.
        The highly imaginative tales within would keep you spellbound.
        Zeeka and The Zombies is the first episode in the five spine-chilling episodes set on an imaginary Caribbean island called Gosh in the year 2036.
        Zeeka and the Zombies serve as an introduction to this mind-boggling series.
        Integrated into the mystery is a love story as well as a family drama.
        The combination of these three aspects in this collection makes it an exciting read.
        Persons who enjoy detective novels, romance fiction, or science fiction will love this book.
        The main character in Zeeka and the Zombies is Raynor Sharpe, a gynecologist who works at the main hospital on the island.
        He, together with the hospital's director and another doctor, Mark, were working at the hospital twenty years before when an outbreak of the zika virus occurred.
        The hospital delivered fifty-one stillborn babies from pregnant women who were infected with the virus during their pregnancy.
        However, it turned out that the babies were not buried but were, in fact, taken by someone evil, injected with a serum to bring them to life, and turned into programmable zombies, with the exception of nine which were flesh-eating ones.
        The secret is revealed when one of the zombies, Number Nine, appeared at the hospital, having been sent by the vengeful and evil Master Zeeka, to survey the scene so that he could attack the hospital in the future.
        But was he a real zombie?
        In the meantime, Raynor's love interest, Janet, also a doctor at the same hospital, told Raynor that she is engaged and plans to marry another doctor.
        She sent out invitations to all her colleagues, including Raynor.
        Raynor was always secretly in love with Janet but had never proposed to her although he had bought an engagement ring intending to do so.
        The plot thickens when the wedding invitation reveals that Janet's fiancé is Dr. Jason Stephens, who the police suspect of being Master Zeeka.
        Jason calls off the engagement with Janet and disappears.
        Raynor finally proposes to Janet and she gladly accepts.
        The police cannot find Master Zeeka, but Raynor and his new bride enjoy a magnificent honeymoon.
        The story continues in Zeeka's Child.
        The search for Master Zeeka intensifies.
        It turns out that the main suspect, Jason Stephens, is actually innocent.
        The real culprit is revealed and is a person who had kidnapped Jason when he was a child.
        Jason is Raynor’s older brother, Dr. Steven Sharpe who returns and reunites with his brother.
        Steven is the real hero in the series.
        Steven marries Mandy, Janet’s older sister.
        The police force launches a massive hunt for the real killer.
        In the third installment Zeeka Returns, the police hunt down the real killer and the nine flesh-eating zombies that accompany him in the jungle.
        These scenes are full of suspense and tension as we wonder whether the police officers would capture Master Zeeka or whether the zombies will destroy them.
        It turns out, however, that he is eventually captured, not by the police, but by Miranda, a beautiful female robot who had been employed by Raynor and Janet.
        Zeeka commits suicide while in custody.
        Just when you thought the story was over Zeeka returns in Zeeka's Ghost: Revenge of Zeeka 4.
        Zeeka is back but not how you expect.
        Unresolved issues, regrets, love, and a ghost, with the right mix of startling plot twists, makes this story a thrilling read.
        Who would want to kidnap Mandy, and why?
        Can Steven save her from the clutches of the kidnappers in time?
        A questionable character returns from one of the previous books in Resurrection: Revenge of Zeeka 5.
        He causes even more disarray in the lives of Steven and Mandy.
        Dr. Steven Sharpe's reputation is on the line when he attempts an unimaginable cure to help a man desperate for a new life.
        One more burning question is answered in this episode. The identity of Number Nine is revealed.
        This story closes Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka series on a high note.
        The many twists and turns in this series make it exciting, thrilling and suspenseful.

        Here is the latest Review by an Australian Reviewer:
        “A reviewer said: "An entertaining read filled with suspense. A science-fiction story with lingering themes on human flaws and goodness.
        As a teacher/student this would make a great comparative study to Frankenstein or Shakespeare's plays, with love, lies, and revenge as persistent human traits. Set in 2036 the unnerving accuracy of being in an era where we encounter robots as part of our daily lives takes the reader on a journey through time where human values, some negative and some are imperative to the improvement of the human condition.
        If you're not a zombie fan, this book will draw you --destined to shock and delight."

        Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka was an award winner in the Category Young Adult Thriller in Readers Favorite International Awards 2018, winner in Science Fiction in SIBA Awards2017, winner of the gold award in the category science fiction in Connections EmagazineReaders' Choice Awards 2018, and winner in the top ten finalists for science-fiction in the Author Academy Global Awards 2018.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Brenda C Mohammed Brenda C Mohammed 5 years ago
      • I understand that fully and that is why I wrote the book, HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS. THIS WILL BE AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR THAT NEW AND ASPIRING WRITER.
        Available worldwide from all Amazon stores
        Read the latest five-star review from a young University Student.
        "Learning from others depends on people’s capacity to combine their personal and other’s experiences. In order to try and do that with success, individuals ought to abstract from single experiences (that they themselves or others have had) and acknowledge those options that completely different things have in common.

        An established educational technique to foster these abstraction and integration processes is to use patterns. These patterns assist the internalization of others' experiences and the application to new situations. HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS by the Honourable Author Ms. Brenda Mohammed is a set of such unique patterns that highlight invariant components and structural features of situations and problems encountered while writing a book.

        The book is an ultimate guide for how to build characters, writing narratives and dialogues, building the story world, choosing a book cover and the title, creating different categories, things one should know before and after publishing their books, tips on how to sell yourself as an author—“the book marketing” and lastly how to get sales and reviews.

        Author Brenda Mohammed is an enthusiastic and solid writer. She is sincere, resourceful and diligent in her work. Her writing reflects the amount of research on several events that have gone into it along with her knowledge and expertise in the field. I would, therefore, like to take this opportunity to congratulate her on this phenomenal work and wish her all the best for her future endeavours.
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      • Brenda C Mohammed Brenda C Mohammed 5 years ago
      • Yes, I have many tips for aspiring writers. I wrote a book especially for them. When I wrote the book How to Write for Success: Best Writing Advice I Received, I did not realise that it would become a popular guide for new and aspiring authors.
        I was thrilled when it received a five-star review and five-star seal from Readers Favorite International one month after publication in December 2017
        In August 2019 it won the gold award in the category Non-Fiction in Connections EMagazine Readers’ Choice Awards 2019.
        The book was my inspiration for founding the Facebook group, HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS, with 5300 plus members.
        It is very popular amongst university students and new and aspiring authors who have written fantastic reviews about it.

        Here is the latest review from a University student in London.
        "HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS by Honourable Poet Ms. Brenda Mohammed

        Learning from others depends on people’s capacity to combine their personal and other’s experiences.
        In order to try and do that with success, individuals ought to abstract from single experiences (that they themselves or others have had) and acknowledge those options that completely different things have in common.

        An established educational technique to foster these abstraction and integration processes is to use patterns.
        These patterns assist the internalization of others' experiences and the application to new situations.
        HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS by the Honourable Author Ms. Brenda Mohammed is a set of such unique patterns that highlight invariant components and structural features of situations and problems encountered while writing a book.

        This book is an ultimate guide for how to build characters, writing narratives and dialogues, building the story world, choosing a book cover and the title, creating different categories, things one should know before and after publishing their books, tips on how to sell yourself as an author—“the book marketing” and lastly how to get sales and reviews.

        Author Brenda Mohammed is an enthusiastic and solid writer.
        She is sincere, resourceful and diligent in her work. Her writing reflects the amount of research on several events that have gone into it along with her knowledge and expertise in the field.
        I would, therefore, like to take this opportunity to congratulate her on this phenomenal work and wish her all the best for her future endeavors.

        Thanks & Regards,
        Sania Zakir"

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