Ask Sarah Lampkin a question

Sarah Lampkin

Sarah Lampkin

Suspense Supernatural Suspense Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Sarah Lampkin Sarah Lampkin 5 years ago
      • Although I love feeling and having the smell of a physical book, I am personally glad of the invention of the e-readers. As I've gotten older, I've noticed more aches and pains in my shoulders and wrists which can make holding a book more difficult. Having the e-reader allows me to continue my passion for stories without the feeling the pain my body inflicts upon itself.
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      • Sarah Lampkin Sarah Lampkin 5 years ago
      • Honestly, I'm working all of the time. It's rare when I'm not working. Writing only occurs when I can fit it in between projects and workouts. But I'm a stickler for deadlines, so I do my best to keep to them no matter what.
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      • Sarah Lampkin Sarah Lampkin 5 years ago
      • Knowledge. Knowledge of history, of psychology, of many things. I'm a huge advocate of research. Personally, I want my books to have hidden layers within. On the surface, the Dead Dreamer series can seem like another angsty teen/young adult story. But if you harder, you might see hints that reference parts of history and lore.
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      • Sarah Lampkin Sarah Lampkin 5 years ago
      • Do not be in a rush to publish! Make sure your story is truly ready!
        "To Dream is to Die" was technically finished over 10 years ago. But when it was accepted by Parliament House, I realized how much work it truly needed. I ended up rewriting the entire thing and every book afterwards. I tend to be impulsive, which got me into trouble in my writing journey. But you live and you learn.
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