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Marie Tayse

Marie Tayse

Contemporary Romance Paranormal Romance Horror True Crime
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Marie Tayse Marie Tayse 4 years ago
      • I hope they don't have to still be among the living, because the three I would choose are not. I would invite my grandfather, because he passed away when I was twelve and I would love to talk to him again. I would also invite Hans Holzer, because I have so many questions involving his line of work that I would love to be able to get his take on. The third I would invite would be Chester Bennington, so I could tell him how much of difference he made in my life growing up. I never felt completely alone as long as I could listen to his music. I still love listening to it today.
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      • Marie Tayse Marie Tayse 4 years ago
      • I already write in several different genres, but I would like to try western, young adult romance, and apocalyptic horror at some point. I am also considering doing a cookbook with family recipes.
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      • Marie Tayse Marie Tayse 4 years ago
      • I started writing at the age of ten as an escape from real life. I never really thought it would go anywhere until I had a poem published in high school. That was when I started looking into going to college to be a writer or a journalist, but my family shot that down by saying that no one could make a living at that. I started attending nursing school but flunked out of chemistry, so I tried doing a computer technology program instead. After thirteen months, I completed that and realized I was pretty good with computers. I was considering a career in that when I became disabled from Meniere's Disease (which I have suffered from since I was thirteen but has gotten worse over the years). I did a lot of crying and hopeless-thinking, until one day I decided that it was now or never. I couldn't work, but I could still write. I told my family that I was going to try to self-publish and just see where it went. My first book was a dramatization of a relationship of my own that ended very badly. I wrote that story in an attempt to heal from all the things that happened and the fear and the other emotions that I simply still cannot seem to come to terms with. It all started with the book, really. I sold maybe ten copies, and they were all to close friends and family. After that I just kept writing when I was able and continued to put out more books. It is my career now, but I don't make a living off of it. To me, the whole writing idea and wanting to get published was more about getting my writing into readers hands, than it was about the money.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Marie Tayse Marie Tayse 4 years ago
      • Yes. My first published book, The Monster Within, was a dramatization of the first relationship I got into after my failed marriage, due to my husband's infidelity. A lot of what the character, Matt, said in the book was actually said to me during the time my ex and I were together and the two years afterward that I was trying to get away from him. A couple of the places that 'Matt' showed up in the book were places that my ex had tried to choke me during an argument about 'his' money or had followed my children and I to. The ending in the book was nothing like the actual ending, which I would be more at ease today if it had of been. I don't know where my ex is today, but I see him in every car that slows down by my house, in my mind every time someone calls and doesn't say anything, and in my nightmares that I still can not escape from nearly seven years later.
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      • Marie Tayse Marie Tayse 4 years ago
      • I read every review I get. I get really excited about the good ones and a little bummed about the bad ones. However, I know that everyone has an opinion, and my book is not going to be enjoyed by every single person in the world.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Marie Tayse Marie Tayse 4 years ago
      • Never give up on your dreams. You can do this. You've got this. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it or you can't make it. If you love to write, then don't give that up.
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      • Marie Tayse Marie Tayse 4 years ago
      • Honestly, I am shocked. It is truly a great feeling to have someone talk about something I've written in the same way that others talk about authors like Nicholas Sparks or Heather Graham, for instance.
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      • Marie Tayse Marie Tayse 4 years ago
      • Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams are too big. Don't let anyone dull that spark in your eye when you start writing something that you are really excited about. Follow your dreams no matter who believes in you. Show them all you can do it.
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