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Ruby O'Connor

Ruby O'Connor

Crime Fiction Action & Adventure New Adult Romance Erotic Romance
      • Ruby O'Connor Ruby O'Connor 5 years ago
      • I think it's as important as the body of work. The title showcases the incredible malleability of words and distills the entire concept of the story, and a great cover can be subtle, flirty, and even illuminating. They form a secret, whispering to the reader from the shelf and hoping to prove worthy of them.
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      • Ruby O'Connor Ruby O'Connor 5 years ago
      • This is the only thing I really wanted to do seriously. I thought of other things, but I wrote my first story at six - and I still write every single day.
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      • Ruby O'Connor Ruby O'Connor 5 years ago
      • I think diligence to the exercise really pays off, so even a brief time each day helps you think about concepts and develop characters. I am a meticulous planner, so I start with a concept and flesh each element out throughout the day or days of prep, so when I sit down to write there is a really clear image in my head. I know them, and I see everything that has and will happen.
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      • Ruby O'Connor Ruby O'Connor 5 years ago
      • I think this generation is AMAZING! My goodness, fanfiction? Are you kidding? I grew up reading the Quantum Quarterly and Sci-Fi magazines and to see so many wonderful creators on the internet making beautiful pieces just to be enjoyed by another person is amazing.

        If *one person* loves what you do, and wants to know how it will end, then you have done something great. Never give that up if it lights you up inside.
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