Ask Genevieve Davis a question

Genevieve Davis

Genevieve Davis

Suspense Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Romance Women's Fiction
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • What is that one thing you think readers generally don't know about your specific genre?
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      • Genevieve Davis Genevieve Davis 5 years ago
      • The industry tends to denigrate romance. There's an underlying implication that these stories are silly or insignificant. In my estimation, that could not be further from the truth. Love is about transformation. It's about faith. It's about grace. It's about becoming the person we want to be and often having to fight for it, and having someone at your side believing in you while you overcome the obstacles in your way. Love wrecks us, and it redeems us. Love is transformative, and the thought that we, flawed and imperfect vessels though we are, could be a conduit for such a force--that's magic. It's a miracle. And it is not insignificant. Love lets us find the best of what we are.

        I have also always been aware that the majority of readers in my chosen genré are female. They're single mothers, working wives, adult caretakers of aging parents, or young women trying to make their way in the world who may or may not have family support. Their lives are HARD. They often work two or three jobs and everything in their world revolves with them at the center. Often, books like mine are the one luxury they allow themselves--the one thing in their lives that is totally for them. If I can give them a world to escape into on that precious half hour they have going between one job to the next, or in the dark of night when everyone in the house is finally asleep, I'm happy to do that. Everyone needs things to look forward to, small things that make them happy. Something that is solely for them to enjoy. I've been there, ladies. I see you. It is my privilege to write for you.
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      • Genevieve Davis Genevieve Davis 5 years ago
      • I have always written. I write like I breathe, and I need it every bit as much. But the one who inspired me to write WELL was one of my high school teachers, Julian Kite. He gave my writing direction, and intent. He taught me the underlying elements of story, and how to pour out the words in a way that ensured I could say exactly what I wanted to, and be understood. He taught me that language is intoxicating, and important. I use things he taught me every single day of my life. As Dar Williams put it in one of her songs, he 'gave me the language that keeps me alive.' I am profoundly and forever grateful.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
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      • Genevieve Davis Genevieve Davis 5 years ago
      • Water for Elephants. It is BEAUTIFULLY crafted and brilliantly researched, the characters breathe and the story is compelling. And it has one of the greatest literary reveals ever executed, and I wish to GOD I'd written it.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Genevieve Davis Genevieve Davis 5 years ago
      • Oh yes. I think we all do. My first book is about a woman fleeing domestic abuse with her daughter. I did that myself, almost twenty years ago. I didn't have to do it while on the run from the mafia, like she did, but many of my own struggles in overcoming the things that happened to me are woven into her story.
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