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Richard Cucarese

Richard Cucarese

Thriller Mystery Literary Fiction
      • Richard Cucarese Richard Cucarese 5 years ago
      • In one word, hectic.
        My profession, which is as a Steelworker for the United States Steel Corporation (aka- U.S. Steel), is a very busy one, consisting of weekly, rotating shifts and many twelve to sixteen hour days. An eight hour day actually feels like a break and these are the days where I do take advantage of getting some writing accomplished!
        I also have to balance my life outside of work to conform around my family life, and with a wife and five children who are involved in many activities and sports, the time to write can be whittled down to a minimum.
        I am also very involved in activist causes and with my union, the United Steelworkers, as the Rapid Response Coordinator with USW Local 4889, in one of the most impoverished sections of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
        Still, all in all, I do find the time, in my off hours to get down to writing when my creative juices are flowing. Having a supportive family is also very helpful and necessary for me to achieve my goals, such as when I am writing a novel and series, such as 'PUNKS' or even writing about the political, economic and social issues of the day for the blog at or other publications who have featured my work.
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