I wont to write that one book, that's perfect, were I'm absolutely sure, it's the very best I can do, weather its successful or not is not important, I just want to know it's my very best.
I cant imagine ever writing anything other than comedy, I've tried writing straight laced horror, I was not comfortable with it, I might of liked to write sci-fi without the comedy, maybe sci-fi horror, somthing along the lines of the aliens and predator franchise.
The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy by Douglas Adams, I think the influence from that book can be seen in most if not all of my books, I just love the britishness of the feel to it, that 'the universe is exploding, but never mind, have a cup of tea' mentality and feel, sci-fi can be a bit too serious at times, it's good to tell the reader you dont need to understand quantum physics, people in space ships can be silly too.
I did, it was all I wanted to do, I loved sci-fi and felt a magic everytime I wrote it, sadly I was discouraged from it at school, I'm extremely dyslexic, the school did not know until a few weeks before I left when i was diagnosed, so I was deposited in what was known as special needs, who's job it was to gear me up towards setting my sights on manual labour or a industry that requires no academic skills on my part.
Yes, pie-eyed is full of things that actually happened, I ran pubs for many years when I was in my 20s, some of the funniest things I've ever seen happened at pub lock ins, also there is a scean involving Jadon were he has gas, his constant flautuance caused an eruption of anger that ended in someone screaming 'will you go for a sh#t!' At him, I was a very windy child, my dad would sit in our living room and boil up with irritation at each fart until snapping and screaming that very line at me, regularly.
I do yes, I have not had many bad ones, when I do get bad ones I'm fine with it, its impossible to please everyone, and with the amount of profanity I use, theres going to be just as many people who hate my books as love them, so the bad stuff is fine I expect it, good reviews however lift your whole day, it's an amazing feeling to know someone read your book and loved it, the good reviews give you confidence in what you are doing, you know that is the person you wrote the book for, so it does not matter someone else hated it, you did not write it for them anyway.
Well, this is a bit of a grim story to be honest, like I said I'm dyslexic so i was steered away from such ridiculous notions from a early age, I met my late wife when I was in my 30s she was very passionate about books, she had an enormous collection of them, she had type 1 diabetes and was very poorly from being a young child, she would be in hospital a lot, that's why she read so many books, we had only been together a couple of years when she became paralyzed through diabetic neuropathy, I was her carer for many years, when she died 3 years ago, I wanted to write just one book, because she always wanted me to, she believed in me even though I did not believe in myself, so I wrote space and stuff, as a present for her.
three years on and I'm half way through my eighth book.