Book Discussion: NOTHING ELSE MATTERS (New Hampshire Crime Series Book 2)

NOTHING ELSE MATTERS (New Hampshire Crime Series Book 2)
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NOTHING ELSE MATTERS (New Hampshire Crime Series Book 2)by Sandra WellsPublish: May 24, 2020Series: New Hampshire Crime SeriesCrime Fiction Thriller Suspense Mystery Action & Adventure
    • Sandra Wells Sandra Wells 4 years ago
    • This is book number 2 in my New Hampshire Crime Series. A young girls family is brutally murdered and she is kidnapped to be sold at auction. Detective Kelly G. and Detective Carver must find her before it is to late.
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    • Sandra Wells Sandra Wells 4 years ago
    • At 1:30 a.m. last night, Halloween, Prince John and his topman Stan had forcibly entered the Yates mobile home. Ed Yates had met them at his bedroom door armed with a baseball bat. His wife cowered in bed behind him. The daughter came running in the room from the opposite direction. Stan grabbed her up and threw her bodily across the coffee table onto the floor by the couch. She lay there stunned. That’s when Ed decided he was going to defend her and swung the bat at Stan. The bat never connected as Prince John raised his 9mm and shot him right between the eyes. Ed Yates went down. Hard. His wife screamed bloody murder.

      Stan then looked at Ed’s wife and said “lady, you’re husband fucked with the wrong person.” Her eyes were as big as saucers and her mouth was open but no words came out. He walked up to the bedroom door and shot her twice in the face. Blood splattered on the headboard of the bed and dripped down. Her lifeless body hung half off the bed. Blood pooling, dark red, on the tan carpet.

      Stan yanked the girl up by the arm and hit her in the back of the head with his gun. Throwing her across his shoulder he carried her out of the residence. Prince John followed behind him. They put her in the back seat of the Mercedes and tied her hands and feet. Going to the trunk they took out two cans of gasoline and went back inside. Spreading a trail of gas from the bedroom to the living room door they quickly emptied both cans then threw them back inside. Standing at the front door Prince John lit a cigarette, inhaled three drags from it, exhaled and tossed it on to the floor. Within seconds the trail of gas caught fire. With a grin he closed the front door and got into the car. As they drove away Autumn leaves were swirling across the road in front of them and flames were spreading in the mobile home behind them.
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