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Ali D Jensen

Ali D Jensen

Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Romance Dark Romance & Erotica
      • Ali D Jensen Ali D Jensen 4 years ago
      • I am a full time stay at home mom. My days typically revolve around my munchkins and then I write when I have free time or at night. Who needs sleep, right?
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      • Ali D Jensen Ali D Jensen 4 years ago
      • Well, considering that it took me three different covers before I was happy with my own book. I'd say it's very important. I think people naturally gravitate to things that they find visually stimulating.
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      • Ali D Jensen Ali D Jensen 4 years ago
      • I do read my reviews! It's sometimes really defeating, honestly. I try to take criticism with a grain of salt. I find it constructive mostly, but don't tend to delve too deep into the how's or why's they didn't like my work. I understand that my writing may not be for everyone, but some people offer genuinely wonderful feedback, so I find it worth the read. I can't stress enough that people need to read the warnings on books. There are trigger warnings on some for a reason. Don't take that lightly. As for the positive reviews, well, those fill my heart all the way up. They often times motivate me more. People that review tend to do it because they feel strongly one way or another, I can only hope they feel that passionate about my writing in the best of ways!
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      • Ali D Jensen Ali D Jensen 4 years ago
      • For me, it's not about becoming famous or hitting the top read list every month. I just want to write what I love and have some people that can appreciate the words I put out into the world. If I can make even one person happy with my words, I think I'm successful. This world needs a little bit more happy in it.
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      • Ali D Jensen Ali D Jensen 4 years ago
      • Most people wouldn't recognize me in public, but there are a few that often interact with me on different socials that seem to really appreciate me and the work I've created and it's a feeling that's hard to explain. I feel happy and excited. I often get overwhelmed with appreciation for those who do their best to tell me how they enjoyed my book.
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