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Kathryn Occhipinti

Kathryn Occhipinti

Advice & How To
      • Kathryn Occhipinti Kathryn Occhipinti 4 years ago
      • The most difficult part of my artistic process is getting into the right mindset. I have an exacting and serious job as a physician. But when I write to help people learn Italian, I like to be lighthearted and find ways to make people remember important points easily. In a sense, when I write I feel like I am expressing the person I really am, without the burdens of the outside world interfering. I love to write in the evening, when all of the chores of daily living and work are over and I can clear my mind and focus on enjoying the process of teaching and communicating with others.
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      • Kathryn Occhipinti Kathryn Occhipinti 4 years ago
      • I've been an avid reader of novels and history since a young age. So it was natural that I would also try to write. I was a dual science/English literature major in college, and I think all English majors think they can write a book! But I have never been very good at expressing my feelings, which I think is an important characteristic for a novelist, so I never did try to write a novel. I did try to write short stories and poetry, but then felt that remaining in school for 13 years after high school had left me somewhat bereft of "real-life" experiences, and I did not want to write about the medical community. Finally, when there was a need for me to write material for the Italian-American Society of Peoria's Italian language group, I discovered my organization skills and skills as a teacher lent themselves well to writing "Conversational Italian for Travelers."
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Kathryn Occhipinti Kathryn Occhipinti 4 years ago
      • I've heard so many writers say things like: "just get started and the words will come," or "write what you know" or "stick to a schedule." In short, for every tip I've read, there are those that do exactly the opposite and succeed! So I would say to anyone who aspires to be a writer that you need to find your own way. The time of day that works best for you to write, for instance. Also, write about things that do not drain you emotionally, but lift you up, and hopefully others will be lifted up as well. There are also many tips for how to write a book that will sell based on internet key word searches and such things. I think the "be true to yourself" works here. Write what you believe in and have the material well edited. The final product will be uplifting, and will always remain as a part of your legacy.
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