Ask Ivy Cayden a question

Ivy Cayden

Ivy Cayden

Teen & Young Adult
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Ivy Cayden Ivy Cayden 4 years ago
      • Ooo. That is a tricky question. While I haven’t intended for any of the story to be autobiographical, I imagine there must be at least some glimmers and reflections of me in each of the characters I’ve created.
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      • Ivy Cayden Ivy Cayden 4 years ago
      • I think I always had the story in me waiting for the right moment to come out. I did enjoy creative writing, even as far back as elementary school. And in middle school, I can remember spinning stories about my friends at sleepovers. Yet it wasn’t until I was in my twenties and working in the corporate side of the film industry in LA that I found myself writing the first words to Everything All At Once.

        The idea for the playlist existed before I had written any of the story. In my mind, I had already associated certain songs with certain scenes. The music served as a gateway from my world into the story’s world, and I wanted readers to have access to that gateway, too. Although it seemed like a daunting task, I somehow knew if I could stitch songs into the books in a precise and purposeful manner, it would result in an exciting, immersive experience for the reader.
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