Book Discussion: Blessings and Curses

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Blessings and Cursesby Judy KellyPublish: Feb 08, 2018Literary Fiction Christian Fiction
    • Judy Kelly Judy Kelly 4 years ago
    • There are many discussion topics from this novel. For one, the message in the novel is that you have the power to determine what and who you will be. Things that happen in your background do not form you unless you allow them to form you. One can accept a blessing for oneself or a curse. The choice is yours. Another topic is the power of prison ministries. My main character visits someone on death row. Looking into death row made me question the entire penal system. Should prison be the worst place to send a person? How can a person reform if it is for everyone? Shouldn't prison be different for those not on death row? Should prisons have reform programs such as reading, writing, skills that help in the work world, and counseling? How should one communicate with an inmate? My main character uses love. Is that effective? Another concept is women in the priesthood. There have been women priests in the Episcopal church for many years. Is there a difference? Another big concept in the novel is unity of family. Some times when trouble finds its way to one family member, the others pull away. When trouble comes to one, what should the others do?
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