Ask Erin Osborne a question

Erin Osborne

Erin Osborne

Contemporary Romance
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Erin Osborne Erin Osborne 4 years ago
      • I have experience writer's block. When I do, I either put my laptop up or switch to a different Manuscript. I have multiple manuscripts started, so it's easy to switch to something else and work on that until I can get back into writing the previous one.
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      • Erin Osborne Erin Osborne 4 years ago
      • I started using an outline to help guide me when I write a book. I may not stick to it, or change it down the road. I've learned not to make myself stick to an outline and just go where the story takes me. I simply use it as a guide to begin a book.
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      • Erin Osborne Erin Osborne 4 years ago
      • Writing is something I've always wanted to do. During an online party for a different author, she asked what was something about us no one else knew about. When I responded I wanted to write, she encouraged me to start. Even if I didn't publish it, to simply begin the process. I've now been writing for five years.
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