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Daniel Bishop

Daniel Bishop

Christian Fiction Teen & Young Adult Religion & Spirituality
      • Daniel Bishop Daniel Bishop 4 years ago
      • My high school English teacher suggested I think about being a writer, but I didn't do anything about that until I was about 35. I'm 51 now so, I've been writing for about 16 years.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Daniel Bishop Daniel Bishop 4 years ago
      • I haven't really experienced writer's block. The main thing I have a problem with is my internal editor starts going, and I overthink what to write. I have to block that out and write. I'll worry about the editing when I'm done with the first draft. Sometimes, I have too many ways to handle a certain scene and can't decide what I want to happen. When that happens, I sometimes take a break for a day or two and let my subconscious work through it. I also pray and ask God for guidance.
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      • Daniel Bishop Daniel Bishop 4 years ago
      • I do read my book reviews. The bad ones don't bother me because I know it's impossible to have everyone like my book. There will always be people who don't like it. I try to learn from what they say. They may say something that helps me with the next book What would concern me is if there are more negative than positive reviews. If that were the case, then I should reevaluate the book. As far as the good ones go, I try to keep a good perspective. It is gratifying when people like your book and take the time to leave a review, but I try to not let it go to my head too much.
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