Ask ARK Horton a question

ARK Horton

ARK Horton

Science Fiction Fantasy
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • ARK Horton ARK Horton 4 years ago
      • I think it's made reading much more accessible to everyone. Not everyone has the funds or ability to pick up a physical book from a library. Also, e-readers often have features that help people with visual impairments.
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      • ARK Horton ARK Horton 4 years ago
      • I do read my reviews. I come from a background full of facing criticism (the good, the bad, and the constructive). Though bad reviews may hurt my feelings, if there's a valid reason why someone didn't like my writing, I can take their words and improve. I also try to remember that as a human being, I am a work in progress and I'm not going to please everyone.
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      • ARK Horton ARK Horton 4 years ago
      • Don't give up. Don't worry about perfection. Just keep writing.

        I took a long break from writing fiction. I opted to be a content writer for a long time. I still enjoy content writing, but it didn't nurture my soul the way fiction writing does. The only reason why I stopped spinning out fantasy and sci-fi was that I stopped believing my dreams could come true. Don't give up on your dreams. Shoot for the moon.
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