Ask Imania Margria a question

Imania Margria

Imania Margria

Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Fantasy Poetry
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Imania Margria Imania Margria 5 years ago
      • Ebooks have definitely changed the present and future of reading both positively and negatively. One positive impact is that they provide a wider reach for variety of books to readers who are more technologically inclined. They also make reading books easier by making portable, digital versions you can download and read on any device anywhere. But there is one major downside I’ve noticed among ebook readers, and that’s the decrease in their attention spans or inability to finish normal sized books. I’ve noticed that by using ebook formats, the book itself is compacted and expanded (text/visual) in such a way that it seems like the book is longer than it actually is. For example, a book that is normally 200 pages can be 1000s of pages long depending on the device you’re reading it on. I noticed this as well when reading on my tablet vs my phone. Now, the number of pages can be intimidating to readers, and that’s why apps like Kindle use minutes or percentage; but even so, that doesn’t improve the impatience of most readers who might quit reading a normal sized 300 page book when it’s in ebook format quicker and more likely than if they were reading a physical copy. I have even noticed I too am more inclined to read a physical book faster than I can an ebook (and I am a fast, avid reader). This is why most Kindle authors tend to write shorter books in greater volume (series wise). So, even though digital versions help expand a book’s audience, it can also damage it. Hopefully, ebook apps will evolve to help fix that little snag to improve such a useful asset to the publishing industry.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Imania Margria Imania Margria 5 years ago
      • While writing, I can become very empathetic to the characters in my stories. Their problems and struggles can feel like mine. So, I’m used to feeling emotionally drained or stressed. When I feel overwhelmed or emotionally drained or stressed, I try to relax or take my mind off of what is stressing me by exercising {high intensity workouts, then breathing oriented workouts like yoga or Taichi (qigong)}, meditating and drinking soothing herbal teas (always in that order). I learned this method helps relax my mind and restabilize my emotions and reduce my stress. Without it, I would be a wreck.
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      • Imania Margria Imania Margria 6 years ago
      • I learned the importance of the cover from publishing my first book. It can really make or break whether someone buys it. But when it comes to titles, I don’t care about how they will sell the book, but I focus on the relevance to the content of the book. I believe readers will be more drawn to a title if it’s relevant to an underlining meaning of the story.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 6 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Imania Margria Imania Margria 6 years ago
      • My best combat of writer's block is drinking coffee or herbal teas like green tea with acai, blueberry, pomegranate or jasmine and listening to new age or classical music.
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      • Imania Margria Imania Margria 6 years ago
      • Getting over writer's block and meeting deadlines. I tend to get writer's block often, because I'll think about several stories at a time. Organizing my thoughts and finishing one project after another is the hardest thing for me. I'm still trying to find efficient ways to overcome that.
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      • Imania Margria Imania Margria 6 years ago
      • Literary success for me is when my words and characters touch and inspire others. I want my characters to impact my readers like Dumbledore did. Through the entire Harry Potter series, he was a guiding light for Harry. And even though we (the readers) weren't battling dementors or evil wizards along with Harry, the words Dumbledore used to encourage him to fight on regardless what he hardships he faced were easily relatable to our everyday struggles. I want my readers to relate to my characters and the journeys they face in the same way. I want my words to inspire and motivate them to overcome the obstacles in their lives and help them on their own unique journeys.
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      • Imania Margria Imania Margria 6 years ago
      • I would tell my younger self: don't be discouraged when you fail. Even if you fail hundreds of times, brush yourself off and try even harder until you reach your goal. The reason I would tell her this is because I spent too much time disheartened because my work was rejected many times from publishers, agents and magazines. If I had someone tell me that then, I wouldn't have taken so long to self publish.
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      • Imania Margria Imania Margria 6 years ago
      • I've been writing since I was five or six years old. As a child, I loved to read books like Rebecca on Sunny brook Farm, Black Beauty and The Invisible Man. My love for reading fueled my desire to write stories. I was so entranced by those tales that I wanted to make stories just like them. I wanted to make unique stories others can enjoy. I wanted to write stories with my characters my readers could relate with and find inspiration from them and the situations they face.
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