Book Discussion: THE ROAD TO REENTRY: Second Chance After Incarceration

THE ROAD TO REENTRY: Second Chance After Incarceration
(1) $7.99 kindleeBook,
THE ROAD TO REENTRY: Second Chance After Incarcerationby MICHAEL A DAVISAfrican American Interest General Nonfiction
    • Michael A Davis Michael A Davis 4 years ago
    • In this essential book, you will learn about the injustice and barriers many face after release. Those returning home often find it hard to secure housing and employment opportunities. Those that suffer from mental illness are at greater risk of being homeless after release. Due to the lack of skills received while incarcerated, individuals lack the skills needed to survive after release. Not only does this book exposes the injustice and barriers of prison reëntry. The Road to Reentry also serves as a guide on how to prepare yourself after release.
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