They have pushed the literary world of book sales into the 21c. Now more people can access all genres more easily and this encourages readers to be more diverse in their reading habits.
I already write Narrative Poetry, under the pseudonym of 'LADY DRAGON'. My first book under this pen-name will be published by @Austin Macaulay in 2021: 'NARRATIVE REFLECTIONS'. I would also love to write in the Fantasy genre at some point in the future.
I am a Full-time Carer. Therefore, my writing has to take second place to my caring duties; plus I have four crazy, rescued dogs who own me! Nevertheless, I write on a daily basis- mostly after 11am to 5pm or/and late into the night if a project needs my attention. 'A blank page', cannot be edited, so better to write badly than not at all.
It taught me how time consuming it is to promote one's newly published book. I look forward to getting down to the 'nitty gritty' process of writing more now, because I realise how important editing and re-editing that drat is!
Instead of fearing the editing process, I learnt from my mistakes and embraced them because writing is an ongoing learning curve which authors must embrace.
Self motivation is more essential for Writers because we are the Storytellers and no-one else can tell your story. When good advice is offered-take it; especially when it is related to editing and re-writing.