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Sheila Lowe

Sheila Lowe

Suspense Mystery Supernatural Suspense Advice & How To General Nonfiction
      • Sheila Lowe Sheila Lowe 4 years ago
      • I've learned to cut out the adverbs, which makes writing stronger. When I read a favorite author, I try to figure out what makes a particular scene or passage work. The thing is, if it's done really well, I'll get so taken with the story that I forget to look. That's what I aspire to in my own writing.
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      • Sheila Lowe Sheila Lowe 4 years ago
      • Depends on what's going on with my "day job" as a forensic document examiner. I don't have a regular schedule, but usually what happens is, I'll spend a lot of time on email and Internet stuff, then realize the day is passing and have to buckle down and get something done on my current project. So, a lot of my writing is done late at night.
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