It has changed things a great deal. You can easily access and own far more books now than you ever could before, seeing as how everything has gone digital, but nothing will ever replace a handheld, physical copy of a book for me. It's a lot easier to self-publish now, which I am eternally grateful for.
"Girl, Interrupted," by Susanna Kaysen, because this book has helped me immensely understand my 'Borderline Personality Disorder.' Sometimes, while reading it, it felt as though I had written it; it was extremely relatable, which is why I'd have to pick it.
I've always wanted to be an author/writer; since I was eight-years-old. I've worked in many professions just to get by but nothing has made me happier than choosing to be a full-time author/writer.
I do read everything. I like to hear everyone out and take everything that people say about my work into consideration as I'm far from perfect and make plenty of mistakes, however, I do like to separate constructive criticism from negative criticism. Some people truly want to help with what they have to say, while others just want to bash without any substance for their opinion. I try not to take criticism from people who haven't constructed anything.