Book Discussion: Lubelia Alycea: One Hundred Years

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Lubelia Alycea: One Hundred Yearsby J.E. SpinaPublish: Apr 28, 2021Historical Romance Historical Fiction
    • Janice Spina Janice Spina 3 years ago
    • 1. Do you think that Filomena made the right decision when she left Madeira to come to America?
      2. What would you do if you had Lubelia Alycea’s secrets? Would you share them or take them to your grave?
      3. What would you have done if you were put into a sensitive situation like the one Alycea experienced?
      4. How would you have handled the situation when Alycea traveled to Brazil?
      5. Would you have been strong enough to weather all the storms that Alycea somehow survived?
      6. What would you have done about the situation of the tool box and Alycea’s lawyer?
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