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Cathy Connally

Cathy Connally

Biographies & Memoirs History General Nonfiction Cooking
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Cathy Connally Cathy Connally 3 years ago
      • They certainly make books accessible to more people and also instantly which is an an advantage. What we found in doing our eBook as opposed to hardcover is you really have to look at the formatting to maximise the experience for both. But the lesser cost to create and distribute eBooks may give us a whole new generation of readers who like to read on phones or tablets.
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      • Cathy Connally Cathy Connally 3 years ago
      • Reviews are always exciting to receive because it means someone is reading your books. That is a wonderful feeling. The tough one is when you receive negative ratings with no explanations, but when you publish a book, you have put yourself out there.
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      • Cathy Connally Cathy Connally 3 years ago
      • Getting the word out on how food as medicine can heal us. But we all need some fun while we learn and I love to travel, as do many of us. I have only been writing nonfiction for a few years. I have done technical writing as a profession for over 15 years. But they are two totally different types of writing.
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