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Jane Harvey

Jane Harvey

Mystery Women's Fiction
      • Jane Harvey Jane Harvey 3 years ago
      • A ‘good cover’ is to some degree a subjective thing. There are a myriad of different styles around, and that’s an amazing thing. What I like, might differ from your taste. However, a genre appropriate, legible, professional-looking cover is essential for readers to know that an author can be trusted to deliver.

        Titles are a minefield for writers and I know lots of authors struggle with them. I love an original title, and allowing the connotations and possibilities to rise up in my mind!
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      • Jane Harvey Jane Harvey 3 years ago
      • I have written on and off for my whole life, but only with any great organisation and dedication for the last three years or so. Life got in the way. The trigger for my writing now was a period of intense insomnia. I started getting up, to write, instead of staring at the ceiling or catastrophising. I’m not sure that it solved my sleep issues - but, overall, it helped my spirits.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Jane Harvey Jane Harvey 3 years ago
      • I set myself realistic but challenging targets for word count or completion etc. Compartmentalising helps, as the idea of a while book or while collection can be overwhelming! Also, don’t forget to praise yourself, to be proud of what you’ve achieved, however titchy tiny that is.
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