Like every writer, I too have experienced writer's block. It is bond to happen. Since I write poetry sometimes I can write multiple poems in a span of a few days but then get stuck. I tend to like to take a break and let my brain rest. Another then I like to do if I want to start writing again is read more or watch movies. I try to get inspired but the stories I hear or see and put myself in that person's shoes to write my next poem. For example: If I see a movie of a parent losing a child, something I myself have not experienced but I can try to place myself in such a position to help me muster up those emotions and write them as a poem.
I would say the most difficult is the writer's block at times and also because it is poetry, I find myself writing the same type of words or about the same emotions just in different ways. This makes it feel boring and repetitive so I found stop writing and take a few days away from writing to get a new topic or inspiration to write about.
I have a major in English so I naturally have a love for the language and words, but poetry is just an outlet for me to release my emotions in a good way. I started writing when I was a teenager but only felt like I should publish and share this with the world in the last 2 years.