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Roger W Stark

Roger W Stark

Biographies & Memoirs History General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
    • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
    • Sorry Roger about getting back to you with a review for The Waterfall Concept, I had a couple of other books to get to and had some personal business to take care of. I submitted the review today, titled;

      "Great Insight for Addicts Who Need Answers!"

      "From someone who has over 14 years of sobriety, Roger tells it like it is... with a no-nonsense approach! Addictions disguised as bad habits can wreak havoc in anyone's life if gone unchecked, and The Waterfall Concept book can change any addict's life! Roger's in-depth description of the evolution of an addict is terrific and will resonate with all readers who are struggling with any issue! The Waterfall Concept is a must-have – must-read book!!!"

      I was wondering if you could look at my second book, Asleep (Hypnotic Rhythm) Book Two, and do a review for me? And I'll do a review for your other book "They Called Him Marvin: A History of Love, War and Family." Thank you so much for your help Roger, and sorry about the delay (I didn't forget about you, buddy)!
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        • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
        • I just submitted a review for you, sir! "Information is Power... Helpful Information is Life-Changing!

          Since November 2, 2007, I've been sober and found that we all live in an insane world that causes us to act insanely (a byproduct of our environment). Life has a way of getting us on the ground, twisting our spiritual arm, and commanding us to yell, "Uncle!" Some of us do... while others would rather eat dirt! I found Roger Stark's book, "Reclaiming You're Addicted Brain," very compelling, in the fact that one could throw all the truth in the world at an addict that is in desperate need of it... and unfortunately will go unheeded! As we are truly our own worse enemy! Addicts act out and see absolutely nothing amiss with their behavior, and everyone else needs to change... except for them! Roger's book is on point with those lessons, which I can still benefit from. It's always great to read a book that inspires the reader to become a better, more informed person! I would recommend this book to anyone that wants to understand and transform themselves! Great job, Roger!"
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          • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
          • Roger, I was just wondering if you've had a chance to look at Asleep (Hypnotic Rhythm) Book Two yet? Have a great day friend!
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    • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
    • Roger, thank you for following me. If you ever get a chance read my book Asleep (Drifting) Book One and leave a review with Amazon and I'll do the same for you Brother!
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