Book Discussion: ETERNAL LIFE

(1) Paperback, Signed Paperback,
ETERNAL LIFEby Pen Name Margarita Svetlana KozianenkoPublish: Aug 18, 2017Series: ETERNAL LIFE by MARGARITAHistorical Mystery
    • Svetlana Kozianenko Svetlana Kozianenko 3 years ago
    • The UNIVERSE is classified, Margarita has an extraterrestrial power. Sensational discovery of a new science!
      MARGARITA is a Ukrainian - Canadian White witch and author, she represents her supreme justice, extraterrestrial ability to possess energy. She is THE HIGH PRIESTESS in the UNIVERSE and she informs the whole WORLD that she is the QUEEN of the UNIVERSE crowned by the dead people in the Wiccan Queen on EARTH. August 2006, the power from above in her majestic Tarot cards informed of the creation of the WORLD and continues to inform about its future.
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