Ask Ann birdgenaw a question

Ann birdgenaw

Ann birdgenaw

Action & Adventure Science Fiction Children's
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Ann birdgenaw Ann birdgenaw 3 years ago
      • I would love to have dinner with John Lennon because he was the heart of the Beatles and the first one to say "give peace a chance". Plus he was such a great song writer and wordsmith. I love that.
        I would also have the talented Carole King at our table. She's a beautiful person inside and out. A songstress who writes the songs of my soul.
        I would invite Martin Luther King Jr. (just noticed I have 2 Kings at the party) to our dinner because I love his words. MLK was ahead of his time regarding civil rights and the injustices inflicted according to race. I would love to tell him what is going on in America right now. Most of all I want to thank him for standing up when it was the hardest and for putting his life on the line for what he believed in. That's courage.
        Then I would ask them all to collaborate on a book with me. :-)
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      • Ann birdgenaw Ann birdgenaw 3 years ago
      • It would be my dream to have the 'wonder' called William Shatner record the audiobook of Black Hole Radio for me. That would be the coolest thing ever! I would then travel the world on a book tour with my coolest audiobook. Visiting with small book stores and schools to talk about books and how I got William Shatner to speak my words.
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      • Ann birdgenaw Ann birdgenaw 3 years ago
      • Start early. Even though I always wanted to write a book I only got started at age 56! I regret not starting sooner because the more you write the better you get at it. So write early and write often....and don't give up on your dreams.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Ann birdgenaw Ann birdgenaw 3 years ago
      • When I'm out of ideas or struggling with a scene, I read other books in my genre and pretty soon my imagination is sparked. I get inspired by great authors like Gordon Korman, Judy Blume and Bruce Coville to name a few. There are so many great fantasy writers out there for children, such as Philip Pullman, Christopher Paolini and Max Brallier how could you not be inspired!
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