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Darya Javan

Darya Javan

      • Darya Javan Darya Javan 3 years ago
      • I would absolutely love to travel to at least 10 countries before I die. I've never been outside of Canada, let alone Ontario, and really want to see the wonders of the world.
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      • Darya Javan Darya Javan 3 years ago
      • I have been writing since I was about 13 years old! I have always been interested in poetry, and always thrived in English classes all throughout my school career. My inspiration for writing poetry came from Rupi Kaur, another Canadian WOC poet who I look up to, which is why when you read my poetry, it is very much inspired by hers. I realized that I could write about my feelings, my life and use it as an outlet while helping others. The thought of helping someone in a similar situation as me through poetry keeps me writing.
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