Ask Shelly M Neinast a question

Shelly M Neinast

Shelly M Neinast

Mystery Supernatural Suspense Paranormal Romance Teen & Young Adult
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • One person would be Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote. I would ask her how she learns how to see all the clues she finds that the police and others can't figure out. My second choice would be Miss Marple from Agatha Christie's murder series. Even though she is an older detective, she uses her advanced age to deduce her crimes and I would like to know how she can stay so calm and negative to solve her crimes. My third person I would like to invite to dinner would be Kyra Sedgewick, who played Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson on The Closer. She cracked me up with her sassy, tenacious female character who didn't let the men around her slow her down from solving the case. I would ask her how she knows how to go after the right criminals even though the partners say otherwise of their guilt.
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • I would love to be able to finish my book series which is twelve books in the series. It would be an accomplishment for me to finish a long project such as that book series.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • It has changed the future of reading for the person who loves to read to be able to carry their book to read anywhere they are, while waiting and don't have to lug a physical book around with them since it would be smaller to throw into your purse or pocket.
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • Today's generation is too busy to be able to sit down for five minutes and read a book. Their minds are constantly moving and are more interested in fast moving video games.
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • Very interrupted throughout the day as there is housework, errands, and phone calls that keep me busy through the day. It is hard just to set aside specific time to just write when I live with two other people.
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • I am able to concentrate more on what I want to say and stay focused more over the years since I first started writing poems and short stories.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • A great cover is the first thing readers see and if it doesn't catch their eye the first time around, they won't want to read the book. The title needs to draw the reader to want to know what the title means to continue to read more.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • Quite often during the whole process of writing. There is always something that interferes while you are writing and until you solve or take care of what is clouding your mind you can't concentrate on your writing, and you lose track of your writing and lose interest at times. It is OK to WALK AWAY from your writing for a short time to regroup yourself until you have a refreshed mind to continue.
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • My traveling at a young age and being surrounded by other cultures and surroundings. I started writing poetry and then short stories. I didn't actually start a novel until 1998 and finally finished it 2021. That is persistence.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Shelly M Neinast Shelly M Neinast 2 years ago
      • Every novel and writer goes through the stress and rollercoaster of emotions while writing. Knowing that helps every writer and all I can say is KEEP WRITING even though you don't feel you are any good, finish the book anyway then step back and pat yourself on the back for finishing it and the accomplishment for it good or bad.
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