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Susanna Allen

Susanna Allen

Historical Romance New Adult Romance Paranormal Romance Romance
      • Susanna Allen Susanna Allen 2 years ago
      • Seeing the aurora borealis! I've wanted to, since I was child. I've discovered my sister and two brothers want to as well, so hoping to organise a sibling trip
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      • Susanna Allen Susanna Allen 2 years ago
      • Of the utmost importance. In magazine publishing, the cover ultimately belongs to the publisher, and the editor and art director have to work within that framework. I try to keep that in mind at all times when it comes to my own work, and when it comes to self-published books, I think they are even more vital since the indie doesn't have the marketing/deign machine of a trad pub behind them.
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      • Susanna Allen Susanna Allen 2 years ago
      • Moving from 'discovery mode' where everything is watercolour-y and dreamy and perfect, into plotting mode. I used to be quite the pantser, but I'm become a plotter after having to provide a lengthy synopses for the marketing team at Sourcebooks for The Shapeshifters of the Beau Monde. That's painful in a different way :) but everything about a story is so perfect when it's floating around in the clouds...
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Susanna Allen Susanna Allen 2 years ago
      • I am a kinetic person so I need to get up and move if I've been sitting at the computer too long. I find that when I do, I get ideas about plot points and ways out of corners I've written myself into. I also try not to pressure myself about daily word counts or hours spent writing. That causes me monumental anxiety and I've yer to write anything worthwhile when anxious.
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