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Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC

Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC

Mystery Poetry
      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • I should tell him to write and read poetry, because this is how I started my interest in writing at school. One interesting thing about poetry is that; it is an expressions of powerful thoughts and emotions in simple language or I should I say; children's language. So for the learning writer; poetry is the best place to start. Its a mature thought, but it is expressed in children's language that rhymes, rhythms and flows.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • I think this was one of the most happiest day of my life, seeing your thoughts translate through book form out into the open world. Although, it was self publishing on Amazon, it was like a big relief for me, like a big weight coming off my shoulders.
        This is one of the best thing about digital publishing such as Amazon, they open the doors to the story tellers to express themselves, they gave that freedom to other countless writers who otherwise get rejected through normal publishing.
        I think this one, publishing my first book on Amazon really drive me to fulfill my dream as an author, many thanks to them.
        Its a go for me, so after my first book, I am now on my second book and more will follow suit.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • As a first time author, I don't think I have a specific answer to that because there are almost many things to say about unethical practices in every industry that one may come across. But for the purpose of improving our industry, I think there should be a clear flow of procedures and systems between the story teller, publishers, and the readers. On one hand, we have the story teller, we have publishers in the middle and on the other hand we have the readers, and there must be a clear flow of process and systems between this network and relationships.
        I often though much focus is on the mainstream publishing like news media, but there are also thousands of voiceless writers and readers out there. Within that space of our thoughts, dreams, and imaginations, there are many things going on mentally both for the writer and reader. But when they are not passed on or communicated to others, it becomes wasted and lost. So if it about free press, free media, then it is also about improving, supporting and empowering the authors to tell their story. So that those stories are read and understand.
        This is true freedom of information in all its forms and its every aspects.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • It will be an honor as well as a challenge for me as a first time author. More so, most of the thoughts presented in the book are relatively new and they are also works of non fiction, so I expect to face some questions and queries about them as well. But I think I am prepare for that one as well.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • At this time, I can not be sure that there are some writers out there, you might have works that are similar to mine. This is because my work is relatively new and during my research whilst writing my book, I was not able to come across someone who have similar stories.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • I didn’t have a review yet for my book, but I think I will accept whatever comments made by my book reviewer. Mostly, to get some necessary comments for improvements and other insights I might not see. Getting a book review is like seeing your book with another person’s eye; so many reviews will eventually lead to you becoming a better and good writer.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • That’s a great question as well. I am new to the world of writing and reading, I mean digitally. But now I really appreciate the developments and usage of such essential tools. With the advance of the digitalized world, digital reading and writing are more simplified and user friendly. You don’t need to carry loads of books, but just a kindle device on your phone with millions of books. This is how amazing Kindle and ebooks have to change the presence of reading and writing.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • That’s a great question. At this time and age, generations are becoming more digitalized. That means they are reading, writing, and communicating on digital devices more often than ever before. So yes, today’s generations are more aware of literary art.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • I think poetry will be the best genre of books that can be easily adopted into schools for kids. This is because of 2 things;
        1. Poetry is expressions of simple language and can be easily spoken by kids or adopted by them.
        2. Although they come in simple language, they are expressions from powerful emotions and feelings which can be inspirational and knowledgeable.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • Take a break, leisure a bit and come back to writing. You always have to refresh your mind. It’s just like drinking water when you are thirsty? Enough leisure makes your mind to be fluid and allows a smooth flow of thoughts and ideas.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • My plan of writing is like that; I started off with poetry, particularly mysterious poetry. And then I am now writing a novel, which is also, is a mystery Genre. And finally, I will work on developing the concept and greater awareness about that mind-reading world by writing and developing its learning materials. So this is how my genre in writing will change and develop. It’s my long term plan, but I am willing to work on it.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • A good writer allows the reader to step into his world smoothly and live within it and feel it. It’s like the author creates the emotions, feelings and scenes and transfer them into the reader’s mind. So I think clarity and precision are important elements of good writing so that there can be an effective transfer of understanding between the writer and the reader.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 2 years ago
      • Yes, of course! Most of the poems presented in my book are expressions of real-life experience. They are specific references to emotions and feelings I have experienced in real-life situations.
        My first book which I have already published is a poetry book and not a novel. But I am currently writing my second book which is a novel and it is the full account and detailed story of my journey and experiences into that mind-reading world mentioned in question 1. So, both of my books; the poetry book and the novel are based on actual and real-life experience.
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      • Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC Ricky Mato Paisip NAREWEC 3 years ago
      • The source of information or ideas for my book was taken mainly from a special kind of experience I had, and I write my poems to describe them, which I recollected in moments of tranquillity. There are several places, locations, or people with whom I had these experiences, and which are mentioned in my book.
        The main part of this experience was that; I have taken a special kind of journey where I was being elevated from an ordinary mind to the higher state of mind where I can read other people’s minds and where they can also read my mind. I called this higher state of mind; the mind-reading world, because one’s thoughts, ideas, or dreams can be read and understood by another person, without them telling you directly by words. It’s like a strange mysterious world that is so powerful. So my writing or poetry was based on that world and certain experiences I encountered.
        I started writing through poetry way back when I was at the university, sometime around 2006-2010. I made a collection then but did not publish it until the last year 2021.
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