No, I actually wanted to be an Interior Designer when I was younger. I studied Art & Design in College and wanted to attend the local Training Centre to learn how to paper and paint. In the end, I went on to graduate University as a Mental Health Nurse and worked in the care sector for many years. Funny how our paths can take us in completely different directions.
Oh, Gods yes! Its a horrible thing. I procrastinated over Prophecy of the Halfling King for months. I found myself stuck on one particular scene and no matter what I tried I simply couldn't pull myself from my slump. I ended up walking away from the manuscript and ignoring it for another few months. When I found the determination to finish the book I skipped the scene which had been plaguing me continued on with story. I would advise anyone finding themselves in a similar situation to do the same. Don't let one little thing hold you back.
When things get too much and the stress builds, simply stop. Stop what you are doing, clear your mind, and breathe. Don't force yourself to finish the book while under pressure, you may end up hating it. Regrets and what-ifs will haunt you more than the stress of writing ever could.